Activision and online developers Garena have translated the franchise into the mobile space with the aptly named Call of Duty: Mobile. Call of Duty: Mobile was first released on October 1, 2019, for both Android and iOS platforms. Just like the traditional video game console and PC titles, Call of Duty: Mobile enjoyed massive success, and it was one of the largest mobile game launches in history, generating over US$327 million of revenue. Call of Duty: Mobile was downloaded over 250 million times as of June 2020.

Brief History Of Controller Support

When the game was first launched, there were certain features that were removed that were available during the beta phase. One of the most head-scratching omissions is the removal of controller support. Fortunately, Activision updated the game a few months after the official released and added official support, albeit in limited controllers. In order to balance the game and not allow the controller using gamers to dominate the touchscreen-only players, Call of Duty: Mobile only allows controller users to fight fellow controllers users.

How Is Mobile Controller Support Now?

Today, Call of Duty: Mobile has partial controller support. In the November 2019 update, Activision added limited controller support for Android and iOS. While controllers work in-game, it is not possible to choose options and even navigate the menus and load screens as they are only done on touch screens. Sensitivity for each mode can be personalized individually in the settings. However, the button mappings are permanent and cannot be customized. Activision and Garena have, however, promised to further develop this aspect of the game.

What Controllers Are Compatible With Call Of Duty: Mobile?

The only controllers that are officially supported in Call of Duty: Mobile are the Dualshock 4 from Sony’s PlayStation 4 and the Xbox One controller from Microsoft’s Xbox One. Some Bluetooth controllers tend to work with the game however they are not officially supported and issues tend to run abound when using them.

How To Play On Android Using A Controller

How To Play On iOS Using A Controller

Reminder: Your iOS device must be updated to iOS 13 in order for the controllers to connect.

The Complete Controller Guide For Call Of Duty Mobile - 97The Complete Controller Guide For Call Of Duty Mobile - 52The Complete Controller Guide For Call Of Duty Mobile - 77