Reputable Call of Duty insider, RalphsValve, mentioned that Infinity Ward, the studio working on the next Call of Duty game, is giving Activision account users more personalization options. Specifically, Infinity is considering the integration of NFTs in Call of Duty, but did not explain how the studio was going to achieve this and if the plans are in preliminary stages or if it’s already underway. Infinity Ward has multiple avenues that it can pursue NFT implementation in Call of Duty, but the biggest question is if Activision-Blizzard is okay with drawing the ire of fans once again.

NFT Inclusion is reportedly being considered by Activision — Ralph (@RalphsValve) April 4, 2022 At the moment, Activision-Blizzard is mired knee-deep in legal battles, the most recent of which comes from an anonymous employee. The best thing for the publisher to do right now is to hunker down and keep questionable decisions to a minimum. If it’s not careful, Activision might find itself in hot water once again, similar to what happened with GSC Game World and Ubisoft Quartz. For what it’s worth, Activision isn’t the only video game company that sees value in NFTs. Take-Two also sees the potential in NFTs and play-to-earn games, but the CEO isn’t entirely sold on the concept just yet. Meanwhile, Gabe Newell continues to oppose the adoption of NFTs, describing the latest crypto craze as “sketchy”. Activision-Blizzard is in the middle of a massive buyout from Microsoft, which is expected to be completed by mid-2023.

Report claims that Activision is adding NFTs to Call of Duty - 63Report claims that Activision is adding NFTs to Call of Duty - 10Report claims that Activision is adding NFTs to Call of Duty - 48