The original animated series, which is based on Konami’s best-selling side-scroller franchise, ran for four highly successful seasons and was partly based on the events of Castlevania III: Dracula’s Curse from 1989 as well as Castlevania: Curse of Darkness and Castlevania: Symphony of the Night from 2005 and 1997, respectively. With Richter Belmont taking the lead in the sequel, the spin-off could take notes from 1993’s Castlevania: Rondo of Blood, which itself was a prequel to Symphony of the Night. Unfortunately, save for a 40-second teaser and the official name, Netflix did not reveal more about Castlevania: Nocturne. Going back to the topic of Castlevania’s confusing history, Richter technically isn’t the son of Trevor Belmont - he’s several generations down the line from the first man to take down Dracula Trevor. However, in Netflix’s adaptation, Richter is the son of Trevor, as confirmed by the official reveal from last year. It will be interesting to see how else the show will differ from the source material, but we trust the series’ creators enough to know what they are doing. If nothing else, we can expect to see Dracula and his son, Alucard, reappear if not make a cameo in Castlevania: Nocturne. We last saw the half-breed child of Dracula making it his mission to nurture and protect the Village of Belmont, which is situated next to Dracula’s Castle. Meanwhile, Dracula and his wife, Lisa, had decided to “settle down” and looked to live a new and peaceful life together following their sudden resurrection at the end of the fourth season. Unfortunately, with no casting info for Castlevania: Nocturne available let alone a premiere date, we shouldn’t expect the show to launch anytime soon. In the meantime, gamers can look forward to several other video game adaptations coming to Netflix later this year. DOTA: Dragon’s Blood Season 3 and The Cuphead Show! Season 2 are expected to come out on August 11 and 19, respectively. Meanwhile, Tekken: Bloodline is set to come out later this year with Dragon Age: Absolution set to start streaming some time in December 2022.

Netflix reveals the name of the new Castlevania animated show along with a new trailer - 35Netflix reveals the name of the new Castlevania animated show along with a new trailer - 41Netflix reveals the name of the new Castlevania animated show along with a new trailer - 3