Unlike most shonen manga, which are typically marketed to boys between the ages of 12 through 18, each arc in One Punch Man revolves mostly around how long it takes for the protagonist, Saitama, to meet with the final boss and save the day, often to the credit of another person. You’d think that this “foolish” premise wouldn’t work, but you’d be surprised. A lot happens in between the appearance of the big baddies and their eventual defeat at the hands of Saitama’s very basic yet powerful moveset. Of course, it doesn’t hurt that the manga series, which has started to deviate from the original web-comic series, boasts the talents of Yusuke Murata, whose imagination, talent, and prowess know no limits. Having said that, rumor has it that One Punch Man will make the jump from the moon to earth the manga, anime, and video game to the big screen with a live-action adaptation at Sony directed by Justin Lin. According to Deadline, Scott Rosenberg & Jeff Pinker will write the script with Avi Arad and his son, Avi, will produce alongside Lin. The report claims that Sony wants to start “production by the year’s end,” adding that Sony is “bullish on the concept as a franchise starter.” Although this isn’t the weirdest piece of news we’ve come across this week - nothing will probably ever top the Duke Nukem movie - it’s certainly right up there. We’re also curious as to why Sony thinks a One Punch man film is a good idea since Hollywood doesn’t exactly have the best record when it comes to anime and manga adaptations. Then again, if Lin can propel a franchise led by a bald man to billions of dollars at the global box office, we don’t see any reason why we should doubt him. Speaking of Lin, the last we heard is that a verbal spat with Diesel resulted in him leaving the Fast & Furious franchise. Jason Momoa will reportedly join the penultimate Fast and Furious film as the main villain. Fast X will hit theaters on May 19, 2023.

Justin Lin and Sony are working on a One Punch Man film - 60Justin Lin and Sony are working on a One Punch Man film - 5Justin Lin and Sony are working on a One Punch Man film - 46Justin Lin and Sony are working on a One Punch Man film - 44