In this six-episode crime-drama series from The Wire creator, David Simon, Bernthal stars as a crooked cop in a show that will delve deep into the corruption rooted within the ranks of Baltimore’s finest when the police decided to prioritize mass arrests and drug prohibition at the expense of their other law enforcement duties. The events of the upcoming HBO show will be based on Justin Fenton’s non-fiction book bearing the same name. With We Own This City set to premiere on April 25, HBO released a teaser trailer shining the spotlight on Bernthal’s character, Wayne Jenkins, as well as Nicole Steele’s Mosaku. Given the current political climate and the talent involved in We Own This City, we can expect a lot of eyes to be on the series. The Wire is right up there alongside Breaking Bad and Mad Men for ushering in a new television era that isn’t afraid to tackle heavy issues. Specifically, The Wire drew praise for years for how capitalism preys on working-class Americans, among other critical issues. We Own This City looks to tackle an equally relevant problem that Simon should be right at home with, as he worked as a journalist and a police reporter before moving on to write books as well as TV shows. Fans will only have to wait for a little over a month to find out just how well-received We Own This City is going to be. In other news, HBO continues its push towards comic book adaptations. Earlier in February, HBO greenlit a second season of Peacemaker, bringing back John Cena and James Gunn, for a second go around. Meanwhile, following the box office and critical success of The Batman, HBO made the Colin Farrell-led The Penguin spin-off official. Meanwhile, Pedro Pascal had a few words to share about the live-action adaptation of The Last of Us for the cable TV giant. Finally, HBO Max’s library of high-quality and entertaining streamable content is about to get bigger following a merge with Discovery Plus.

Jon Bernthal s corrupt cop is front and center in the first We Own This City trailer - 85Jon Bernthal s corrupt cop is front and center in the first We Own This City trailer - 47Jon Bernthal s corrupt cop is front and center in the first We Own This City trailer - 22