While developer Avalanche Software claims there will be many more modes, the two that are already confirmed are based on framerate. Performance Mode will target 60 fps displays, while Fidelity Mode can be used to run Hogwarts Legacy at 30 fps. Some of the rumored graphics performance modes rumored to be confirmed in the near future should target TVs and monitors with variable refresh rates. This also depends on the resolution that those displays will be broadcasting the game in, with a performance mode targeting 4K resolution considered a necessity for next-gen console users and a 1080p mode that these two confirmed modes might already cover. This string of announcements is finally a good sign for a project whose development has been beyond troubled, to say the least. With the release being delayed multiple times heading into 2022 and even now in 2023, having the performance modes and hardware requirements revealed is a step in the right direction. Warner Bros. have also revealed the associated features that should be available on all versions of the game and on all platforms. With text-to-speech support enabled for the menus, colorblind modes, subtitles, separate volume controls, spatial audio, reduced camera shaking and many other options that improve accessibility like the story setting that makes certain segments impossible to fail, Hogwarts Legacy has gone above and beyond to make sure every gamer can experience this new Harry Potter video game.

— Hogwarts Legacy (@HogwartsLegacy) December 13, 2022 Many new titles have incorporated features like these to improve software accessibility, but Sony is taking it a step further with its new customizable controller called Project Leonardo. And while Project Leonardo is still a far way off, the new DualSense Edge premium controller should be available for purchase before Hogwarts Legacy is available for the PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X and S, and for PCs on February 10, 2023. The PS4 and Xbox One will be included later on, but if you’re thinking about buying that new PS5 controller, make sure you’re okay with using a charging cable while gaming.

Hogwarts Legacy PS5 And Xbox Series graphics modes have been revealed - 74Hogwarts Legacy PS5 And Xbox Series graphics modes have been revealed - 21